Vogue Knitting Live: Zoom Marketplace ~ click here to comment

Vogue Knitting Live: Zoom Marketplace ~ click here to comment

Hello Everyone, I have a bunch of online Zoom shows coming up!

The first being, Vogue Knitting Live.  This is a paid event.  You need to register, here.  It costs $3.99US for the entire weekend which gives you access to ALL the amazing vendors!  

VKL vendor badge

Join Carmen and I for an up-beat hour of fun!  We have new and exciting things to show you and we hope to inspire you and make you smile!  And, we have a ton of amazing giveaways!! This show is NOT to be missed!

WHEN: Saturday March 20th & Sunday March 21st.

TIME: Noon - 1 (PST) or 3 - 4pm (PDT).

COST: $3.99US for all vendors: YOU MUST REGISTER 


For the full list of all the vendors and times, click here.  Please keep in mind the time zone and make sure you either choose your time zone or convert the EDT standard time zone listed.


The second show we will be vending at is KNIT CITY VIRTUAL

Knit City Virtual vendor Badge

WHEN: April 09 - 11 (specific vendor date TBA)


COST: Free!


More info about this show will be announced over the next few weeks.  To keep up with announcements, sign up for the Knit Social newsletter and visit their website, here.


The third show I am scheduled to vend is FIBRE LOVE AFFAIR

Fibre Love affair vendor badge

WHEN: April 24 - 25 & May 01 - 02 (specific vendor date TBA)


COST: Free!


More info about this show will be announced over the next few weeks.  To keep up with announcements, sign up for the Fibre Love Affair newsletter and visit their website, here.


To see our past shows, quick links to what I showed + the giveaways, please check it out here

Happy knitting everyone, I hope to see you on ZOOM SOON!

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