I am a white woman of privilege and I am listening and learning. I support and stand by all Black Lives and here are some ways I am helping: To start, for all the month of June, all Ravelry sales from TCJ PDF, Booklets, and eBooks will be donated to Black Lives Matter. I invite you to build your library of patterns and/or gift a few. Thank you to all those who help me give back.

I made a promise to ALWAYS “stand in the gap” for all black people, people of color and those who are marginalized. This means speaking up, say something, and do something when I see or hear racism when it’s obvious and even when it is not.
I made a promise to ALWAYS “stand in the gap.” This is not something I will try to do; this is something I will ALWAYS do.
I challenge all my friends, followers, family members, and peers to STAND IN THE GAP, always.
I do not have children, but I have many beautiful and beloved children in my life, these little beings are going to see me and watch me “stand in the gap.” We will have many conversations about what it means to say something, do something, and speak up; what it means to stick up for what is right and to have a friend or strangers back even if you don’t know them, even if it feels uncomfortable.
Black Lives Matter. Stand in the Gap. Vote. I hear you. I see you. I stand with you. I promise to always stand in the gap.
ggmadeit explains Stand in the Gap so eloquently in her IG stories, posts, and blog. The concept is simple and there is no excuse to not be doing this. She also writes about "how she can't "just knit right now." It is an important article to read.
#blacklivesmatter #standinthegap #vote